Links on writing | Links on statistics | Denmark| Selected country sites| Christian links |

Links on writing:

Links on writing:
Writer's Guidelines;
Writing Resources;
Publishing services; Send a card (free) - Christian content possible.

International contacts:
Media Associates International � incl. European section in the UK. The purpose is to train Christian writers worldwide through tailored writing projects, and through international seminars.
International fellowship of Christian journalists
European Writers' Council - member countries.
Swanwick Writers Summer School: An exciting, inspiring yearly summer course, which I can recommend - just a few hours' train drive from London. Here you will meet many different writers.

Association of Christian Writers, UK.
Christliche Medien Verbund Christian Media Association in Germany.
New Zealand Christian Writers Guild (under New Zealand Society of Authors, click Writers' Organisations).

Other statistical links:
Statistics Denmark (also links to other statistical bureaus in the world).
StatBank Denmark; Lots of free figures from Statistics Denmark;
Israel's bureau of statistics;
France's institute for statistics and economics;
Statistics Canada.

Links: Denmark, Certain countries, Christian

Danish sites:

Denmark in English - official web site
Denmark, info.Danish Foreign Ministry.
www.visitdenmark.com Tourist information.

Selected country sites:
Travel information on India;
India: culture, food, travel etc.;

Christian links:
In English:
Alpha course: What is Christianity?
www.gospelcom.net: A web site with many Bibles in various versions, devotions, etc.
Download a FREE net Bible at The Biblical Studies Foundation: www.bible.org
Learning to pray;This inspired writing by R.K. Lyle tells - in a nutshell - what prayer is really all about.
Christianity net: (Billy Graham organisation);
Cybergrace Christian network;
Austral-Asian Christian Writers ; Evangelical Lutheran Church, Canada;
The orthodox church in USA
An orthodox church in Danish language at Dag Hammarskjoelds allle 1A, basement, Copenhagen (near Oesterport st.);

Aglow International:An international, interdenominational organization for women.
In Denmark, we have Aglow chapters in Denmark and on the Faroe Islands. See more at Aglow Denmark's web site below:
Aglow Denmark (only in Danish);
Christian books; Amazon also has Christian books;

English speaking churches in Copenhagen, Denmark:
International Church of Copenhagen Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Sundays Check calendar on the web site, service alternates 10:30 AM or 4:30 PM at Brorsons Church, Rantzausgade 49 (nearest metro st. Nuuks Plads);
The English Church, St. Alban's Church. Anglican and episcopal. Sun. Family Eucharist 10:30 AM. Check web site for more details.
United Methodist Church: Jerusalem Methodist Church, Rigensgade 19. Check web site for service times.
First International Baptist Church of Copenhagen, Kristuskirken, Baggesens Gade 7, 2200 N Sun. 2 PM in person or online
International Christian Community Interdenominational, charismatic.
See more on website. From Feb. 2022 services at Kingos Church, Bragesgade 35, 2200 Cph. N.
Copenhagen Christian Community International Evangelical Church, Banevolden 46, 2500 Valby - 5 min. walk from Valby st. Copenhagen, Sunday 2 PM, see more on web site.

International Harvest Christian Centre, an International Bible-believing Church. Services at Worsaaesvej 5, l1972 Frb. C. Sunday 11 AM-1PM.
Thel Catholic church, Denmark has English services in several churches, see web site for churches and times, several in central Copenhagen as well as suburbs.

The Inter-Cultural Christian Centre: A multiethnic network with info on church services also in other languages than English.
www.Kit-Danmark.dk: Church Integration Ministries - If you are looking for a church in your area or another language you may contact Kit's office at info@kit-danmark.dk.

In Danish:
Udfordringen (A weekly magazine "The Challenge");
All about religion. "Kristeligt Dagblads" home page. Danish Christian newspaper. Lots of information and links;
Free churches, i.e. outside of the State Church (click the map of Denmark);
Free churches - information;

Danish net church:State Church + Free churchesWrite a pastor or a social worker
The Catholic Church, Denmark (official);
Retreats - interdenominational;
Israel - lots of information, all kinds.

Last updated February 13th, 2023